Adarasa Herbal Drinks are made from natural raw materials from Indonesian natural plants that are hygienically processed into a drink for your body’s health and freshness.
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Herbal Drink

For women who have complaints of abdominal pain when menstruation and menstrual non current, its recommended to drink Kunir Asam regularly before and during menstrual.
Kurnia – Kunir Asam Adarasa is production hygienic and used selected raw material.
Our product use original Tamarind fruit which contain in each sachet. In each sachet contain 3 pcs of Tamarind fruit which you can control your sour taste, If you like very sour taste you may mixed all the tamarind fruit, if you only like rather sour you may mixed 2 or 1 tamarind fruit, and if you don’t like sour taste, you no need mxed the tamarind fruit.
Kunyit Asam renceng
Content : 20 gram/sachet
10 sachet/renceng
40 renceng/carton ( 400 sachet @ 20 gr)
Content : 20 gram/sachet
20 sachet/renceng
20 renceng/sachet ( 400 sachet @ 20 gr )
“Kurnia” Kunir Asam
Content : 30 gram/sachet
5 sachet / box
48 box/carton

MaSela Adarasa avaliable in rozen flavor and more delicious and fresh if drink in a cold state. Wait until Basil inflated and feel the freshness.
Content :
- 30 gram/sachet
- 5 sachet / box
- 48 box/carton
Content :
- 20 gram/sachet
- 10 sachet/renceng
- 40 renceng/carton ( 400 sachet @ 20 gr)
Content :
- 20 gram/sachet
- 20 sachet/renceng
- 20 renceng/sachet ( 400 sachet @ 20 gr )

- Curcuma is for antioxidant
- Curcuminoids which are beneficial for protecting the function of liver, decrease blood cholesterol, encourage bile and prevent the formation of gallstones.
Temukun is useful to keep lever healthy. It’s also available Temulawak with orange flavour.
Temukun – Temulawak Kunir
Content :
- 30 gram/sachet
- 5 sachet / box
- 48 box/carton
Sari Temulawak (Orange Flavour)
Content :
- 20 gram/sachet
- 5 sachet / box
- 48 box/carton

Source :
1. Majalah Trubus No. 336 Edisi Mei 2000 XXXI hal 20
2. Jawa Pos, 5 Desember 1999 “Kanker Bisa Diobati dengan Kunyit Putih”
3. Tumbuhan Obat, Pusat Penelitian Obat Tradisional Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta 1996.
Kunir Putih Adarasa is an Indonesia traditional healthy drink which made from Curcuma zedoaria and useful to patients cancer.
Content :
- 25 gram/sachet
- 5 sachet / box
- 48 box/carton

The characteristic odor and flavor of ginger is caused by a mixture of zingerone, shogaols and gingerols, volatile oils that compose one to three percent of the weight of fresh ginger.
gingerols, are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, some of the most powerful that can be found in food. These gingerols have been directly associated with improvements in knee inflammation and associated pain. When you cook ginger, the gingerol gets turned into a different chemical called zingerone through a reaction that breaks a bond between its carbon atoms. Zingerone is more mellow spicy-sweet than gingerol, which is why cooked ginger doesn’t taste nearly as fierce as raw ginger.
More research in recent years has suggested that shogaol has a strong anti-coughing effect, and could help reduce blood pressure. Additionally, it may have some anti-allergic effects, as it has been shown to inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells, a chemical whose effects manifest as the allergic response to an allergen. An anti-fever effect has also been noted.
The ability of ginger to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis helps relieve pain and inflammation in blood vessels thereby providing relief from a migraine and a simple headache
Ginger Drink Adarasa is made from selected pure fresh ginger (Zingiber officinarum) which is useful to warm and refresh your body. You can drink ginger drink mixed with tea, coffee or milk.
Content : 25 gram/sachet
5 sachet / box
48 box/carton

- Galangal has anti-inflammatory properties which function to relieve inflammation. Substances contained in galangal to relieve inflammation are galangal content and its content of karyoferid.
- Can treat rheumatic diseases.
- Can be used as an anti-motion sickness drug
- Galangal can be used as a tumor prevention drug. Transconiferil disasetat compounds contained in galangal can inhibit the work of the xanthin enzyme which is one of the cells that trigger cancer.
- Can be used as an herbal medicine or vitamin to increase appetite
- Relieve diarrhea.
Ginger which contains the gingerol compound is responsible as a pungent aroma and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger is also beneficial in people with arthritis and osteoarthritis. The content of ginger is believed to contain components that can inhibit COX, where COX is one of the body's chemicals that can cause inflammation. These COX blocking prescription drugs usually have side effects that can harm the body. The benefits of ginger as one of the natural herbal medicines can have similar properties and no side effects.
In a clinical trial it can be concluded that ginger can increase movement in the joints, reduce the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger can also be used to help relieve back pain and headaches such as migraines.
Adarasa Laos Ginger Drinks made from a combination of ginger and laos rhizomes have benefits to reduce rheumatic aches, pain in joints and waist muscles.
- 25 grams / sachet
- 5 sachets / box
- 48 boxes / carton

Content : 5 sachet @20 gram/box
48 box/crt

Content : 5 sachet @30 gram/box
48 box/crt

Content : 5 sachet @20 gram/box
48 box/crt