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About Us

Adarasa company that located in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia, is a company that process food and beverages made from natural source. Making these materials a useful product for the human being.

Telp    : +62 298 321666 or +62 298 322050
Fax    : +62 298 322050
Email   :

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All of these materials are obtained naturally through cooperation and guidance for farmers and suppliers to maintain the availability of quality raw materials in accordance with established standards.

In processing its products, the Adarasa company has implemented basic food safety principles so that Adarasa products are very safe for consumption.





Adarasa company manufactures various kinds of products, namely:

  1. Coconut Sugar
  2. Herbal Drinks
  3. Candies
  4. Spices & Herbs

All these products are designed to be a food and drink that nourishes our body.

We also can produce our product used buyer own brand according the buyer request.


Being a company that processes natural raw materials into products that benefit all humans both locally and internationally.


1. Producing products that are made from safe and quality natural ingredients with hygienic processing.

2. Developing Indonesian spices into products that benefit the Indonesian and foreign communities.

3. Encouraging public awareness to consume products made from natural ingredients that are beneficial to health.

Our Product

The Best Herbal Products For Your Body


Coconut Sugar

Spices & Herbs

Herbal Drinks


We provide a wide range of the best herbal products made with natural spices.


Address: Jl. Kumpulrejo No. 29 Gendangan Village, Tingkir District, Salatiga – 50743
Tel: +62 298 321666 or +62 298 322050
Fax: +62 298 322050